Why Masters and Why US?

  Hello people! I have decided to screw myself all the more by a masters in Computer Science in addition to my bachelors in Computer Engineering that I shall complete in about five months from now. Being in my senior year currently and having completed all the formalities that start from GRE preparation to applying for colleges, I am now awaiting accept(s) from my dream universities. Well yea, no prizes for guessing that all my dream universities lie in the US. So the first question that may occur to you is why MS? Like as if I hadn't had enough of engineering in four years that I am looking up to two more years in a field that I have never been passionate about nor has been exciting to me. But today as I stand firm on my master’s decision I precisely know what I am doing and that it is right for me. Though a few months back I was reconsidering my decision, a little self-evaluation and talks  with senior-friends made me realize I was heading on the right path.

          I have these pretty sound reasons that explain as to why it was MS and why USA. Applied Mathematics was the only subject that honestly appealed to me just because like most of us, I sucked at computer programming :P (Not that I was a total failure, just that in programming you need to be the best or you aren't meant to be called a programmer). In my sophomore (second) year I was introduced to this subject databases and I knew that it interested me. As I proceeded to my junior year, I learnt that Data Analytics was the perfect field for me. As it had the  applications of Databases as well as Mathematics, engineering wasn't all that bad after all ;). All this while I was still googling, going through the MBA syllabus, ME and Mtech requirements and had like a hundred thoughts when I came across the syllabus of universities having analytic and data science courses and also masters in these fields. I knew that I was certainly applying for a program closely related to analytics and statistics only and none other.

          I wanted to be a technical analyst but I also wanted to nurture my hobbies and one of them being leisure travelling. I always went on vacations with my family to different parts of India and I had this deep desire to go on an international trip and experience the world outside India, a whole new culture. Infact I already have a rough plan about which country I shall visit and when :P(I know it’s a lil too much, but I am crazy :D) Hence I knew that getting into a graduate school abroad would be the best thing to happen to me and asked my parents if they were okay with my decision. And what better place to graduate in than US!

          The next thing I did after my parent’s yes was make a list of all possible universities having the course of my choice and get prepared for the GRE! Yeaaa! I had made up my mind finally. And thus began my journey.

I am sure you’ll had a nice time reading and hope it’ll help you decide if you really want to be doing MS abroad. The next time we meet I will let you’ll know how I prepared myself to get a decent GRE score. Till then, happy blogging! 


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