'Hearty' greetings

Happy Valentine's Day everybody :) 

We haven't been very regular with our posts of-late. And yes, we do have excuses to cover up the same ;) the primary one being a kind of 'writers block'. 

But today, (thanks to St. Valentine maybe! ) I ran into this post at http://imgur.com/gallery/Y16VD    on how to make a paper heart looking like the pic below: 

I'm using this idea for a simple Valentine's day card. 

Stuff you'll need:
A4 sized paper for the heart
A red rectangular piece of paper 14.5cm long and 6.5 cm wide (well, approximately)
Felt pen (preferably black or red)

1. Follow the instructions in the link to make the heart.

2.  Fold the red paper in half.
Write out a greeting on white paper for the front cover of the card.

3. Insert the red paper into the heart as shown and write in your greetings.

4. Stick the white paper made in step 2 onto the red paper to make the card look like the pic below.
