Kozhikotta (Sweet coconut dumpling)

Kozhikottas are made by Keralite Christians on the Saturday before Palm Sunday. This is in remembrance of the dinner Jesus had at Simon the Leper's house, where Mary anoints Him with perfume made of pure nard.


For the Filling:
Molten Jaggery : 1/2 cup
Grated Cononut: 1 - 1/2 cups
Cardamom: 3-4 

For the Dough:
Rice Flour : 2 cups
Water : 1 - 1 1/2 cups
Ghee or oil : 1tbsp
A pinch of salt

Boil a cup of water.
Add a pinch of salt and 1 tbsp of ghee to the rice flour. Pour the boiling water into the mixture while stirring continuously to prevent lumps.  

Boil the molten jaggery in a wok. 

Add grated coconut and crushed cardamom to the boiling jaggery. Keep stirring the mixture and cook for about 5 minutes on high flame.

Knead the rice flour mixture to form a smooth dough.

Moisten hands with water and make lemon sized dough balls. Flatten each dough ball into a disc and place a tsp of the grated coconut mixture at the center of each disc. 

Close the disc around the filling to make smooth balls, such the grated coconut mixture is enclosed completely inside each dough ball. 
Steam the balls for 15-20 minutes.

Serve hot! :)

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