The reindeer's stroll :P

Hello again :D

Today we see another Christmas card.
This one is simple, but it does require a little bit of ‘scissor – work’.

Stuff you'll need:
Card paper (preferably of a dark Christmassy color … I’ve used violet though)
White paper A4 sized

Step 1:
Step 1 requires you to draw / take a print of a reindeer… (the simpler its outline, the easier it gets)
I have taken a print. (Reindeer outlines can be found on the internet…Go search ;) )

Step 2:
Now carefully cut out the reindeer from the white paper. (The reindeer can also be covered with glitter glue if you have the patience, that’ll add to its beauty…)

Step 3:
Now use a small bit of the paper left after you've cut out the reindeer to do the following:
a)  Cut out a similar shape

b) Fold it in half. Now fold the folded paper into half again… to get something that looks like the next picture.

c) Now cut the folded paper as shown in the next picture.

d) So when this paper is now opened out, it looks something like this:

Step 4:
Now stick all of these cut out shapes onto the card paper to make it look something like the next click…

Step 5:
For the snowy look below the reindeer, I cut the paper left out after the reindeer was cut out into uneven strips and stuck them on too.  For the lantern-like hangings follow steps a) to d) and make random cuts to get lovely designs when you open out the paper.

Step 6:
Since its difficult to read the writing on dark colored paper, we first stick in white paper and then write on it.
Cut out paper in a pattern like the next picture… Stick it in the card. And lo behold! The card is done :)



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