The swirly~flower card

For this card, I’m using the basic idea posted at

Under DIY Swirly Paper Flowers

So, what I’ll be doing is simply use this idea of making flowers for a card.

It’s a lot of fun and very simple…so do try it out everyone J

Step 1) (For making the flower)
Cut out 2 strips of paper as shown in the picture.  There is no exact measurement…though Muhaiminah uses 2X8 inches for the yellow part.

Step 2) Fold the yellow strip and cut till fold line as shown in pic

Step 3) Now roll the cut part till the fold line as shown:

Step 4) When you’re done, it should resemble this:

Step 5) Now take the green strip and tightly roll it into a stick- like shape. Stick the end so it doesn’t come apart.

Step 6) Apply gum to the back-side of the folded portion of the yellow strip. Please observe the picture carefully to see where to apply gum.

Step 7) Now roll the yellow part to the green stick you’ve formed in step 
5. Do this in such a way that you’re actually sticking the yellow to the stick, spiraling downwards

Step 9) So after the whole yellow part is stuck, you’ll end up with the flower:

Step 10) Now I made a pink flower following the same instructions. And then I stapled both of them onto a plain white card.

Also write in your greeting onto the card J
So… the card is done J J
Simple… right???



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