The 'Dried Rose Petals' Card

Hi again :)

Have you ever had an old dried flower and have wanted to do something more with it than just throw it away???
Well, then you've reached the right place :)


So, all you need for this card :
Dried rose 
Card paper
Felt pen

Lets get started...

Step 1:
Carefully remove all the petals from the flower.
Fold the card paper in half.


Step 2:
Observe the pic below. Carefully flatten out each petal.
 Stick 6-7 petals in the pattern shown in the picture onto the card.

Step 3:
Next stick 5-6 petals onto the card as shown in the pic. These petals are stuck in such a way that they partially cover the 1st row of petals

Step 4:
Repeat Step 3 with 4-5 petals

Step 5:
Complete the flower with 2-3 petals as shown in the picture.
Also stick the stem onto the card.

Step 6:
Using a felt pen darken a small portion to make it look like the bud :)
Write in your choicest wishes.
